Privacy Policy

Netcomm Forum 2025

This Privacy Policy is pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation UE/679/2016 and Legislative Decree 196/2003, is intended for the attendees of the event "Netcomm Forum 2025" of Consorzio Netcomm, which takes place on 15-16 April 2025 at the Allianz MiCo Milano (hereinafter also "the physical event") and for those that take part to the Event through "Netcomm Forum" Website ("Digital Event").


  • Data subject (or "participant"): is the person to whom the personal data belong and who registers through the Website and participates in the physical event or digital event as a common visitor, user connected online, employee of a sponsor / exhibitor company, speaker.
  • Data Controllers: Netcomm Services S.r.l., via Serbelloni 2, 20122 – Milan, wholly owned by the Consorzio Netcomm in via Serbelloni 2, 20122 – Milan (Netcomm for brevity) owner of the Event.
  • Data Processors: TIG Events S.r.l., via Ettore Romagnoli 6, 20146 – Milan, as organizer of the Netcomm Forum; TIG Factory S.r.l., via Ettore Romagnoli 6, 20146 – Milan, Platform owner, as well as responsible for the processing of users' personal data and the Services provided through it (the "Services").

The personal data provided by the Data Subject will be processed for the purposes indicated as follow:

1.1 Registration, purchase of tickets, redemption of codes for access to the event.


  • i.Management of the request for registration, purchase of the ticket or redemption of the code to access the Event (as indicated in the General Conditions of Sale) and consequent management of all legal, fiscal, accounting and administrative obligations (including legal obligations related to VAT regulations), the management of logistical-organizational activities. In case of registration through LinkedIn, only the name, surname and profile picture will be acquired (in no way will the LinkedIn password or other information be acquired; the Data subject can review the authorization to share information through LinkedIn in the "Partners and Services" section).
  • ii.Management of organizational activities and support (including reception services, request for information, technical support, etc.) including sending communications and updates related to the Event.
  • iii.Management of requests for information even in case of spontaneous sending by interested parties.
  • .
  • iv.Fulfillment by the Data Controllers and Managers of administrative activities and fulfillment of any legal, accounting and / or tax obligations.
  • v.Processing of personal images of the data subject (see also point 1.4.).
  • vi.Sending newsletters and communications relating to Events and other initiatives and contents of Consorzio Netcomm and Netcomm Services promoted to support the development of eCommerce and Digital Transformation and the dissemination of digital culture, taking into account the fact that these initiatives are in most cases free of charge and provide training content.

Data processed:

  • for registration and obtaining badges: name, surname, e-mail company role, company, type of company, country, Cap, any URL to the LinkedIn profile, as well as any financial data in relation to ticket purchase activities.
  • for online browsing: personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols such as IP addresses, domain names of PCs, browsers, URIs / URLs, data connected to downloads, cookies, and other tracking tools (see cookie policy.

Legal basis: In relation to the purposes of paragraph 1.1.( i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) the lawfulness of the processing is based on Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of EU Reg. / 679/2016 (the execution of pre-contractual and contractual measures); for the purpose Par. 1.1. (iv) on Article 6, paragraph 1 letter c) EU Reg. / 679/2016 to fulfill any legal obligations; for the purpose of paragraph 1.1. (vi) on Article 6 co 1 lett. b) it being understood that the Data Subject has the right to object pursuant to art. 21 EU Reg. / 679/2016 by contacting the Data Controller or through the mechanisms made available: direct opt-out reported in the e-mails (unsubscription from the mailing-list).

1.2 Participation in the Netcomm Forum Event at MICO and/or through the Platform


  • i.Management of requests for use of the contents and the services offered by the platform including: attending plenary conferences (live) and workshops (deferred), the initiatives of Sponsors and Exhibitors in the stands, virtual visit of the stands, access and use of the multimedia content made available by them (insight);
  • ii.Management of reports relating to access to planarias and workshop rooms, live or deferred; analysis and profiling activities for marketing activities (see paragraph 1.3.).
  • iii.Management of reports relating to the exchange of data between users collected through the reading of the Badge.

Data processed

  • for physical or digital participation, interaction between participants (Badge scanning): the data acquired during registration may be processed, including name, surname, e-mail, and company role, company, type of company, country, zip code (below the registration fields for brevity).
  • for browsing and using online content: personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols such as IP addresses, PC domain names, URIs / URLs; data connected to download; cookies and other tracking tools that allow you to make the most of services and personalized experiences based on the tastes and preferences expressed.

Legal basis of processing
In relation to the purposes indicated in point 1.2. the treatment is based on Article 6, 1 co., lett. b) GDPR, or for the execution of pre-contractual and contractual measures, in relation to point 1.2. ii) also on Article 6 paragraph 1, letter a) GDPR (consent) with regard to profiling activities (please refer to paragraph 1.3 to learn more). Data Subject has the right to withdraw consent or to oppose pursuant to art. 21 EU Reg. / 679/2016 by contacting the Data Controllers and the Data Processor (Art. 7) or through the mechanisms made available: direct opt-out reported in the e-mails (unsubscription from the mailing-list). The withdrawal of consent does not affect the data processing activities carried out previously.

1.3 Additional information relating to the processing of data and transfer to third parties

The Netcomm Forum offers to participants (including online users) solutions and services aimed at ensuring a physical and digital experience, safe, engaging and in line with the expectations of networking and knowledge typical of this kind of business-event. Therefore, processing of personal data is carried out to enable these objectives by facilitating the interaction between people physically or remotely (i.e., through QR code scan) and by providing multimedia content.
With the consent of the data subject some information may be processed by Data Controller or Data Processor and could be shared with Third Parties (Sponsors) for their marketing purposes; in accordance with the principle of transparency, to better understand what kind of information will be shared it is specified that:

  • i.Attending plenary conferences (live, online or on demand after the event) or conferences (live or on demand after the event) as well as access to multimedia content through the Platform under consent could involves the transfer of personal data provided during registration (such as name, surname, e-mail, company, etc.).
  • ii.The mere access to the digital stand or the mere download of brochures (insight) involves the visibility of partial data (name, surname, company, role).
  • iii.QR Code scanning by Sponsor or by other participants (common visitors) involve the transfer of personal data to the recipient (name, surname, e-mail, role, company, sector, province, state).

In cases (i) and (ii) the Sponsor/Exhibitor company (Third Party) has access to the personal data of who has given his explicit consent to the transfer; consequently, the Third Party will process the data as an independent Data Controller and may contact the Data Subject for its own marketing activities (for example in relation to products/services or similar to those discussed during the Event) previous share its Privacy Policy pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation 679/2016. It is therefore understood that Data Controllers and Data Processor of the Netcomm Forum remain unrelated to the processing activities developed by the Sponsor / Exhibiting companies.
In the case (iii) of voluntary exchange of data between participants (e.i. QR Code scanning) data are acquired and will be processed by the recipient as Data Controller, remaining unrelated to this relationship the Owners of the Netcomm Forum Event. The report will be downloadable until the deadline for access to the platform.

Legal basis. Transfer of data to Third Parties 1.3.(i), are based on the consent of the data subject (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) reg. 679/2016 always withdrawn. The data subject always has the right to withdraw his consent and to object the processing through the opt-out mechanisms indicated in the e-mails, or by contacting the companies directly to request the termination of communications (contact details are usually reported in the privacy policies of the individual companies), to facilitate the data subject to get in touch with the companies, Article 7 of this document contains the list of Sponsors / Exhibitors. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the data processing activities carried out previously.

1.4 Processing of personal images – Disclaimer.

Purposes of processing

  • i.processing personal and biometric data acquired through video footage and / or photos of plenary sessions and workshops (for example the video-audio recordings of the speakers, or the video-audio recordings or shooting of the audience that incorporates the image of the data subject) for the creation of videos, frames, images, photos and multimedia materials for the pursuit of institutional purposes of information, scientific and promotional dissemination of the Event and may be published on the Netcomm website, the Netcomm Forum, Netcomm institutional pages on social network platforms with live streaming or on demand, made available to the public through media (press, television).
  • ii.Managing processing activities of the images and content shared by the data subject while browsing and using the platform.

The Data Subject authorizes, without anything to claim, Netcomm and Netcomm Services (Data Controllers) and TIG Events (Data Processor) to the registration and / or acquisition of the aforementioned material, for the purposes indicated and for this reason declares to: (i) renounce any claim also of an economic nature, with regard to future uses of the images against Data Controllers and Data Processor expressly authorized to make them use; (ii) relieve the Data Controllers and Data Processor from any liability, including economic, concerning an incorrect use of photographic and / or audio video material by users of websites, social networks or, in any case, third parties; (iii) have read and understood the entire information including this release and are aware that check boxing is equivalent to signing the release under their own responsibility.

Data processed: personal data acquired through the registration form, the release, the personal image, voice (biometric data). : the processing concerns personal data acquired through the registration form, the personal image, voice (biometric data) acquired through the video-audio recordings as indicated above.

Legal basis: The personal images are processed pursuant to EU Reg. 679/2016 and to Law 22 April 1941, n. 633 (Art. 96, 97 and following, 10 Civil Code). This authorization implies the granting of a non-exclusive license, without duration limits and for the whole world, transferable to third parties, for the use of materials and includes the rights referred to in Articles. from 12 to 19 of the Law n. 633/1941, including but not limited to: right of publication; right of reproduction in any way or form; right of transcription, editing, adaptation, processing and reduction; right of communication and distribution to the public, including the rights of projection, transmission and dissemination also in summary and / or reduced version, by any technical means, right to keep copies of the materials, also in electronic form and on any known technological support or future invention for the purposes and within the limits defined above. It is in any case excluded pursuant to the article and pursuant to art. 10 of the Civil Code any use of the Images that may prejudice the honor, reputation or decorum of the person portrayed, filmed, or recorded. If you do not want the image to be taken during the event, Netcomm and the Organizer recommend you not to access the areas where the event takes place. The legal basis is Article 6.1. letter b Reg. 679/16, the execution of the contract intended as the registration/ purchase of the Ticket and authorization.

1.5 Interests and preferences

  • i.Management of interest analysis activities and statistics of the data provided to evaluate and improve the services promoted by the Consortium also in order to create events increasingly in line with user expectations and send communications more in line with interests and preferences.

Legal basis. The processing is based on Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of EU Reg. / 679/2016, the consent is revocable at any time. In any case, pursuant to art. 21 of the Regulation, data subject can oppose the processing at any time through the mechanisms made available: direct opt-out reported in the communication e-mail or by writing to the Data Controllers to request the cessation of communications and the exercise of the rights of the interested party.


Registration on the Platform and participation in the Event, physical and / or digital, presupposes the acknowledgment of this information. The provision of the data contained in the registration form to the Platform is mandatory to allow registration to the same and the provision of the requested Services. Failure to provide such data will result in failure to register on the Platform and the consequent impossibility of accessing the Event and the Platform.


The data collected will be processed:

  • the Data Processors and Data Controllers;
  • other parties/partners with whom it is necessary to interact for the provision of the Services (for example hosting providers);
  • other parties designated, included in the following categories: e-mail sending services and / or that carry out invoicing and / or tax management activities; companies that offer management and maintenance services of the information infrastructure of the Platform.

The data may be communicated:

  • i.(In case of consent) to the Third Parties (Sponsors), please refer to the paragraph 1.3. for further information on the logic, methods, and basis of the treatment.
  • the Judicial Authority, in relation to requests by the same, to third parties for the fulfillment of tax or administrative obligations, or if it is necessary to achieve the purposes indicated above.

The personal data of the data subject registered on the Platform will not be disseminated or transmitted to third parties outside of what is indicated in this statement. In relation to personal images, please refer to what is indicated in Article 1.4 of this information.


Personal data may be transferred abroad, even Extra-UE when this is necessary for one of the purposes indicated in this statement. The transfer to non-EU countries, in addition to cases where this is guaranteed by adequacy decisions of the European Commission, is carried out in such a way as to provide adequate and appropriate guarantees, including binding corporate rules, pursuant to Articles 46 or 47 or 49 of the Regulation.


Personal data will be collected, processed, recorded, consulted, stored, made available to third parties, profiling, extrapolation, in the terms and limits of this statement; in any case, the processing of data takes place in compliance with the purposes for which they are collected and processed by authorized appointed by the Data Controllers and Data Processors, through paper, computer and telematic supports or any technological support for the purposes and within the limits defined above.

The data will be processed by:

  • i.TIG Events S.r.l. based in Milan, via Ettore Romagnoli 6, through its staff belonging to the marketing and communication areas, administrative, at its headquarters and on servers located at the headquarters itself.
  • ii.TIG Factory S.r.l. based in Milan, via Ettore Romagnoli 6, through the staff belonging to the IT, marketing-commercial areas.
  • iii.Netcomm and Netcomm Services at their headquarters, via Serbelloni 2 Milan, through their own staff belonging to the marketing-commercial and associative development areas.

The processing activities are carried out in such a way as to guarantee the security of data and systems by adopting specific security measures in order to minimize the risks of destruction or loss, even accidental, of the data, unauthorized access, processing not allowed or not in accordance with the purposes and methods indicated in this statement.


In general, the data of the interested party will be processed for the period of time necessary to achieve the purposes indicated, indicatively:

  • i.for the purposes referred to in point 1.1.) (Registration and purchase of the ticket): 12 months from the date of registration on the platform, 10 years for administrative and accounting purposes;
  • ii.for the purposes referred to in point 1.2.) and 1.3.) relating to reporting and activities related to the functionality of the Platform will be kept for the time necessary to communicate them to the Sponsor / Exhibitor company and in any case permanently deleted within 6 months from the end of the event;
  • iii.for the purposes referred to in point 1.4): the images will be processed in accordance with the principles of the GDPR, for the necessary time;
  • iv.profiling purposes referred to in point 1.5): 24 months from the date of data acquisition unless the interested party requests cancellation.

The data are stored in paper and electronic archives at the headquarters of the Data Controllers and Data Processors (for the time necessary to carry out their task) to allow the pursuit of the necessary purposes with full assurance about the adoption of the security measures provided by the legislator to protect the data collected, in order to avoid the risks of loss or theft of data, unauthorized access, illicit and incorrect use.


The Data Subject, in relation to the personal data that is the subject of this notice, has the right to exercise the rights provided by the EU Regulation described below:

  • Right of access of the data subject (Art. 15 of the GDPR): the right to be informed about the processing operations performed on one's personal data and, if necessary, to receive a copy thereof;
  • Right to rectification of one's personal data (Art. 16 of the GDPR): the data subject has the right to rectify inaccurate personal data concerning him- or herself;
  • Right to erasure of one's personal data with no undue delay (Art. 17 of the GDPR): the data subject has, and will have, the right to the erasure of their data ("right to be forgotten");
  • Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 of the GDPR): in the case of, inter alia, unlawful processing or contestation of the accuracy of personal data;
  • Right to data portability (Art. 20 of the GDPR): the data subject may request their personal data in a structured format to transmit it to another owner, in the cases provided for by the same article;
  • Right to object to the processing of their personal data (Art. 21 of the GDPR): the data subject has, and will have, the right to object to the processing of their personal data.
  • Right not to be subjected to automated decision-making processes (Art. 22 of the GDPR): the data subject has, and will have, the right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on automated processing.

The data subject may oppose the processing at any time and revoke the consent given, for one or all the purposes, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out before the opposition or revocation; the data subject has the possibility to update their personal data through the user profile area of the Platform. In addition, the data subject also has the right to lodge a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority, or the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, based in Piazza di Montecitorio n. 121, 00186 – Rome (
Requests to exercise rights should be addressed to:

  • In relation to the Services provided by the Platform: TIG Factory s.r.l., with registered office in via Ettore Romagnoli 6, 20146 – Milan, e-mail:

In addition, for information on the processing of your personal data you can always contact:

  • TIG Events S.r.l. with registered office in via Ettore Romagnoli 6, 20146 – Milan, e-mail:,
  • Consorzio Netcomm: based in via Serbelloni 2, 20122 – Milan, e-mail:;
  • Netcomm Services: based in via Serbelloni 2, 20122 – Milan, e-mail:

Finally, with refer to Third Parties (Exhibitors/Sponsors) contact details are available at the following link.