

Payment & Fintech

Company Profile

About FLOA

French leader in “Buy Now Pay Later”, FLOA makes life easier for more than 4 million customers through split and deferred payments, mini credits, and financial services.

FLOA solutions are designed to make payment in installments as simple and quick as possible, whether online (on a website or a marketplace), at point of sale, or in call centers.

Full subsidiary of BNP Paribas Group FLOA offers solid, omnichannel and ultra-secure payment solutions that are well integrated into the customer journey for a seamless customer experience. FLOA is proud to accompany famous (e)-merchants, major players in tourism and FinTech partners.

In addition, with her customer-centric approach, FLOA was rewarded “Best customer service” in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.